stem cell therapy for shoulder injury

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Injury as an Alternative to Surgery

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cells for Shoulder

Thanks to ongoing research, patients have a lot more options for treating many kinds of painful orthopedic issues. Some of the most promising of these treatments involve stem cells, specialized cells that everyone has access to within his or her own body.  Share this Post What are Stem Cells? Stem cells are the basic building blocks of all multicellular organisms; they direct the development of individual cells, tissues and organs by becoming specific types of cells when needed. For example, in humans, embryonic stem cells control fetal development; they essentially ...
stem cell therapy for shoulder pain

Stem Cell Therapy for Shoulder Pain

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cells for Shoulder

Shoulder pain is usually associated with at least one of four issues: inflammation of a tendon, arthritis, a bone injury or joint instability. Depending on the severity of the problem, shoulder pain frequently limits movement and can reduce a person’s overall quality of life. To treat the source of shoulder pain, decrease recovery time and encourage the most prompt return to normal daily function, stem cell therapy could be an option. Stem cell therapy for shoulder pain is the only option that has been shown to actually repair diseased, degenerated ...
stem cell therapy vs shoulder surgery

Stem Cell Therapy vs. Shoulder Surgery: What You Need to Know

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain, Stem Cells for Shoulder

The human shoulder consists of three bones (the clavicle, scapula and humerus) and many tendons, ligaments and muscles that link together with a series of four joints. Injury, disease and normal wear and tear issues can affect any part of the shoulder and typically present as fractures in bones, tears in tendons and/or arthritis and instability. Indeed, the shoulder is especially prone to all types of problems because it is constantly being used, moving our arms in a wide range of motion so that we are able to push, pull, ...
Woman with Shoulder Injury

Stem Cell Therapy for Rotator Cuff Tears and Shoulder Injuries

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Facet Joints, Stem Cells for Shoulder

Regenerative medicine, specifically stem cell therapy, is changing the way shoulder injuries are managed. Stem cell therapy for shoulder pain is quickly minimizing the need for invasive shoulder surgery. Share this post:The shoulder joint is one of the most powerful joints in the body and is integral to both work and sport. This joint is essential for almost every facet of life, from brushing one’s teeth and hair, to drinking a soda, and driving a car. In this post, we’ll explain how stem cell therapy for shoulder issues works and ...