stem cell treatment for back pain

Patient from Vail Uses Stem Cells to Heal Degenerative Discs, Returns to Golf & Skiing

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Degenerative Disc Disease

The Difficult Problem of Back Pain Deborah is a 42 year old Vail Valley female who was in otherwise good health aside from her persistent low back pain from degenerative discs. She underwent a microdiscectomy at L4-5 in 2009 which relieved her right sided sciatic pain, but did little for her ongoing central back pain. Facet injections at L4-S1 did little to minimize her central back pain. She spent several months working with a physical therapist treating both core stabilization as well as mobility and flexibility. Again this did little to diminish the pain in ...
Colorado stem cells lumbar back pain relief avoiding hip replacement

Cordillera Life Magazine on Stem Cells for Relieving Lumbar Back Pain and Avoiding Hip Replacement

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Degenerative Disc Disease, Stem Cells for Hip Pain, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain

Full StoryCordillera Life and Brent Bingham Photography reports on a ThriveMD patient from Beaver Creek, who used stem cell therapy for back pain relief and to avoid a hip replacement. View full article in pdf.View Full Article Next StepIf you believe you or someone you care about could be a candidate for treatment administered by a trusted clinic, please contact us today.CONTACT USCALL US TODAY