The Hindering Hip Pain
Jeff is a 58 year old gentleman from Denver in very good health. Up until the fall of 2012 he was extremely active. He was an avid, skier, cyclist, golfer and runner. He began to experience pain in his right groin while water skiing. Imaging studies noted mild to moderate degenerative arthritis of his right hip joint and mild arthritis on the contralateral side.
Initial Treatment Option & Results
He was seen by a local Physiatrist that urged him to undergo a PRP injection (with no hip stem cell treatment) to the intra-articular joint space of his right hip.
Jeff noted mild improvement in his joint pain several weeks following the procedure. His improvement waned over the next two months and returned to his baseline pre-injection pain levels by 90 days post op.
Hip Stem Cell Treatment Consultation
I saw Jeff in consultation in March 2013 to discuss his ongoing groin pain which was worsened with all physical activity. His physical exam was significant for tenderness across the anterior aspect of the joint, mildly decreased internal rotation of the joint and pain on flexion of the hip. MRI was significant for mild to moderate arthritis with a small effusion, but no other pathology.
Choosing Stem Cells for Hip Pain
We discussed stem cell treatment for hip that would rely on adipose derived stem cells in combination with platelet rich plasma to treat his degenerative hip joint. PRP alone is rarely very beneficial to injuries that are beyond sub-acute in duration and had done little to improve his arthritis. The procedure was discussed in detail, his questions were all answered and he decided to move forward with the regenerative procedure in the coming weeks.
In April 2013 Jeff underwent the stem cell harvest and injection into his right hip. He additionally underwent a PRP booster four weeks after his initial procedure.
Stem Cell Treatment for Hip Pain for a Patient from Colorado.
Patient in the video has used stem cell therapy to heal his hip pain, but is not the patient discussed in this case study.
Individual patient results may vary. Please contact us today to find out if stem cell therapy may be able to help you.
Short Term Results of the Hip Stem Cell Treatment
Jeff returned to cycling and his routine workouts approximately six weeks after the stem cell procedure. In his patient follow-ups he reported pain scores that were 80%* improved at that time; at six month post op he was 95%* improved. He returned to water skiing, cycling and golfing as well as an occasional run despite my urging him to avoid the impact of running.
Long Term Results
At 8 months post op Jeff remained virtually pain free. He elected to undergo a booster shot of bone marrow concentrate into his hip in an effort to continue to maintain excellent joint health with his ongoing avid sports participation.
Returning for Second Hip
A year and a half after his initial procedure, the patient began to experience similar pain and dysfunction in his left hip. MRI demonstrated mild arthritic changes. Having experienced such profound success with his right hip, Jeff elected to proceed with a combined stem cell procedure (adipose derived fat and bone marrow concentrate) on his left hip. He is now five months post op from this procedure and pain free in both hips.
*Individual patient results may vary. Contact us today to find out if stem cell therapy may be able to help you.