spinal disc treatment

New Spinal Disc Treatments

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain, Stem Cells for Knee

The spine is an important part of the body. It is divided into three major sections — the cervical spine (within the neck); the thoracic spine (within the ribcage); and the lumbar spine (also known as the “lower back”) — and consists of individual sections of bone called vertebrae that are separated by a shock-absorbing disc. Alternating vertebrae and discs run the length of the spine, with each disc cushioning the constant pressure of the body’s weight; enabling range of motion; and protecting the spinal cord.

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Issues can occur within any portion of the spine, but many degenerative conditions affect the lower back. As the main support for the upper body’s weight and because it suffers repeated stress due to constant and repetitive movement, the lower back is especially prone to injury via trauma and/or age-related disease. Common issues include the deterioration of the discs’ structural integrity, causing them to slip out of place, tear and/or lose much of their cushioning effect. The result: vertebrae begin to rub against each other, causing pain and increasingly limited range of motion. There is good news, however. Today, more than ever, there are new spinal disc treatments that go beyond mere symptom control. Take a look at how today’s new spinal disc treatments using stem cells are changing and further protecting quality spinal care:

Stems Cells are Less Risky and Have the Potential to Be More Powerful than Many Traditional Spinal Treatments

New spinal disc treatments make use of stem cells. There are several types of stem cells, but the ones used in today’s treatments are autologous, harvested from a patient’s own fat and bone marrow reserves. Studies show that stem cells taken from these areas have the potential to differentiate into different types of joint tissue, as well as reduce inflammation and alleviate pain. Because the stem cells used for these kinds of spinal disc treatments are not supplied from a donor but rather from a patient’s own body via needle aspiration and/or liposuction, there is no risk of rejection and minimal risk of infection. The entire treatment procedure is completed in an office based procedure suite within 2-3 hours, and patients typically return to their own homes to recover for one to two days, resuming normal daily activities thereafter. When compared to lengthy rehabilitation and strengthening programs that require time to experience noticeable results or surgery that is invasive with a prolonged recovery, today’s new spinal disc treatments using stem cells are minimally invasive  and the only option for possibly changing underlying cell morphology.

Stem Cells are the Ultimate Pain Relievers

Traditional treatments to treat diseased and injured discs included pain medication, steroid injections, physical therapy and surgery, any one of which only potentially alleviated symptoms of musculoskeletal degeneration. In 2021 we have other options, though! Continuing research has shed light on how adult stem cells have the ability to actually repair discs at a cellular level. It’s exciting news because it means adult stem cells can be harvested from and reapplied to patients in a way that encourages new tissue growth! When healthy tissue replaces damaged and diseased tissue, normal function can be restored and pain can be improved at the source!

The ThriveMD Difference

Today’s new spinal disc treatments are not created equal. To ensure the best care, as well as the best results, patients need to seek superior healthcare from an experienced regenerative medicine clinic. Our medical director here at ThriveMD, Dr. Scott Brandt, has over two decades of experience in interventional pain management, regenerative stem cell therapy and age-related disease. He remains active in new product development and clinical research, and speaks frequently at workshops and conferences. Please contact our office to learn about the latest spinal disc treatments using stem cells and whether or not one might be a realistic option for you or a loved one.

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