spinal disc treatment

New Spinal Disc Treatments

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain, Stem Cells for Knee

The spine is an important part of the body. It is divided into three major sections — the cervical spine (within the neck); the thoracic spine (within the ribcage); and the lumbar spine (also known as the “lower back”) — and consists of individual sections of bone called vertebrae that are separated by a shock-absorbing disc. Alternating vertebrae and discs run the length of the spine, with each disc cushioning the constant pressure of the body’s weight; enabling range of motion; and protecting the spinal cord. Share this Post Issues ...
Regenerative Therapy for Knees: What It Is, the Process and Recovery

Regenerative Therapy for Knees: What It Is, the Process and Recovery

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain, Stem Cells for Knee

Every year millions of people around the world suffer with joint damage and its resulting pain. According the 2020 Global Pain Index Report, eight out of 10 people worldwide experience joint pain with approximately one third of them listing knee pain specifically as their primary concern. It’s a pressing global problem, one for which traditional treatments (such as pain medications, rest, physical reconditioning and surgery) have historically demanded much time (for the implementation of, as well as the recovery from these types of treatments) yet never fully eliminated the real ...
Stem Cell Therapy Procedures: What, Why and How

Stem Cell Therapy Procedures: What, Why and How

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cell Therapy Procedure, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain

Stem cell therapy is a regenerative medicine technique that seeks to harness the body’s innate ability to heal itself. Most people are familiar with the term “bone marrow transplant,” which is one specific form of stem cell therapy. However, there are other types of stem cell therapies that aim to repair and even regenerate diseased, traumatized and/or genetically malformed tissue in other parts of the body, as well (i.e., not just in the blood). These are the types of stem cell therapy procedures we perform here at ThriveMD. Read on ...
Your Resource for Stem Cell Studies

Your Resource for Stem Cell Studies

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain

Stem cell therapy is neither new nor unproven. On the contrary, stem cells have been used for multiple therapeutic purposes with great success for over 70 years. Not only are they used to treat cancer and blood-related diseases (an application of which most of us are familiar), they have been — and continue to be — rigorously studied and used in other treatments and for other purposes, as well. And while perhaps not as well-publicized as bone marrow transplants, these analyses and uses certainly have the potential to offer similar ...
stem cell therapy works

How Does Stem Cell Therapy Work?

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy is not a new procedure. Doctors have been using it to improve and even save lives for over 70 years. The first documented use of stem cells occurred in the late 1950s when they were transferred to a patient as part of a bone marrow transplant. Today, stem cells are used to treat a variety of conditions, from cancer and genetic issues to autoimmune disorders, arthritis and more! To learn more about how stem cell therapy works, read on: Share this Post What ARE Stem Cells? Stem ...
stem cell therapy benefits

3 Stem Cell Therapy Benefits Over Traditional Surgery

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy

It’s a new year. Maybe it’s time for a new YOU. If you’ve been dealing with orthopedic pain, know that there might be a nonsurgical option for you beyond physical therapy and/or medication: stem cell therapy.    Stem cell therapy isn’t a new procedure — physicians have been using it to treat and oftentimes cure a variety of conditions, from burned skin and eye issues to cancer. Indeed, ongoing research supports the efficacy of using stem cells to regenerate other types of tissues as well, such as bone, cartilage, tendons, ...
stem cells for spinal injuries

Stem Cell Therapy for Spine Injuries: Is This an Option for You

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain

Damage to the spine can be particularly debilitating. Not only does it weaken the body’s main structure of support, but it also frequently results in a substantial amount of pain for those who suffer with it, limiting mobility and often precipitating a host of other problems (such as muscle weakness, bladder and bowel dysfunction and nerve injury). Traditional treatments are usually time-consuming and/or invasive; however, there are other therapies now available. One of the most promising is stem cell therapy. Here’s what you need to know about stem cell therapy ...
stem cell therapy used

What Stem Cell Therapy Can Be Used For

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cells are some of nature’s most powerful tools. Not only do they anchor the original development of our bodies’ organ systems, they have the ability to influence future cell growth, as well. It’s this capacity to direct cellular regeneration that makes them so critical to life itself since tissue homeostasis is what allows us to heal from wounds, control vital metabolic processes and fight off disease throughout the course of our lives. As knowledge about stem cells has grown — including advanced understanding of where they come from and ...

How Stem Cell Treatment for Tennis Elbow Can Improve Your Game

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Elbow, Stem Cells for Joint & Soft Tissue Pain

Tendinitis is the painful swelling of a tendon. It can manifest in any tendon, but most frequently occurs in those surrounding joints that experience repetitive movement. Indeed, tendinitis is often sports-related, occurring in shoulders, elbows, wrists and knees as a result of chronic overuse. When it settles in the elbow, it’s frequently called “tennis elbow,” and it affects a lot more than a patient’s game. While up to 50% of athletes using over-the-shoulder arm motion experience tennis elbow, the majority of tennis elbow sufferers aren’t actually tennis players! Approximately 95% ...
how long is stem cell recovery

How Long is Stem Cell Therapy Recovery?

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy

The intrinsic regenerative properties of stem cells make them well suited to treat many types of orthopedic issues. This is because a large number of bone and joint problems occur as normal consequences of daily living over time (read: “wear and tear”), and stem cells have the potential to naturally counter those effects, replenishing cell quantity and restoring normal cellular function by virtue of their very nature. Indeed, when used to treat the effects of age, injury and degeneration in the musculoskeletal system, stem cell therapy has been shown to ...