Hormones are chemicals within the body that have a big influence on a person’s wellness. Not only do hormones have a significant physiological effect on the body, but hormonal changes can influence emotional activity as well. Though hormone replacement therapy is a relatively new practice, it can produce serious positive results for women and men under the right conditions. In many instances, women who are over 35 (or who are experiencing menopause) are likely to be good candidates for hormone replacement therapy. That’s because hormone levels decline with age. So, ...
Stem Cell Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease
Although not yet widespread in orthopaedics, the use of adult stem cells to address musculoskeletal conditions is an intriguing concept," states a recent article by American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. Regenerative medicine specialists, like myself, have been seeing profound results using stem cell treatments for musculoskeletal pain and feel that it is far more than an intriguing concept. It is a reality that is already showing great promise for many patients. I’m thrilled to say that recent studies have begun to demonstrate profound improvement in degenerative disc pain similar to ...
Testosterone Replacement Therapy: The Reported Risks
The Studies on Testosterone Replacement Therapy Testosterone replacement studies that recently made news and received ample attention were published in PLOS One in January 2014, JAMA in November 2013, and the NEJM in July 2010. The studies reported an increase in cardiac risks and higher rate of heart attacks in patients undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. The PLOS One study is the most recent of the studies mentioned above and gained national coverage in the New York Times. After reading these recent studies, one might reconsider undergoing testosterone replacement therapy. Then …