Stem Cell Therapy for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease

Understanding Stem Cell Therapy for Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Neck Pain

Today, stem cell therapy is at the forefront of regenerative medicine. Stem cells are the body’s original building blocks, capable of differentiating into and constructing the tissues in our bodies, either initially or as part of a physiological response. Early understanding of stem cells had them originating only as part of embryonic development. Now we know they exist in adult tissues, as well. In fact, they not only reside in adult tissues; they have the potential to replace, repair and regrow defective tissue when removed from their original tissue source(s) …

Is Natural Spinal Disc Regeneration Possible

Is Natural Spinal Disc Regeneration Possible?

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain

“All-natural.” It’s a term that holds increasingly significant importance as science continues to reveal the dangers associated with many synthetic materials. Not only can these artificial substances (such as man-made fabrics like nylon and polyester) pollute our physical environment with non-biodegradable by-products and waste, they can similarly contaminate our bodies with ineffective and often toxic chemicals (such as those seen in many drug, implant and prosthetic applications). Share this Post   Of course, not all man-made devices or ingredients and chemicals are “bad” and not every all natural alternative is ...
Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment

Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease Treatment with Stem Cells

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Neck Pain

The cervical spine includes the first seven of the spine’s 33 vertebrae. It begins at the base of the skull and runs the length of the neck. Between each of the cervical vertebrae lies a fluid-filled disc that acts as: 1) a shock absorber, limiting the trauma of repetitive impact; and 2) an anchor, tethering the other vertebrae together so that the spine can provide structural support while still facilitating overall flexibility. But because it supports the weight of the skull and controls head and neck movement, the cervical spine …

How to Regenerate Spinal Discs Naturally

How to Regenerate Spinal Discs Naturally

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Low Back

You might think of the body as an amazing biological machine. In many ways, the body is a well-honed piece of equipment, but our team here at ThriveMD believes it’s a lot more: not only can it autonomously power its individual parts, it can naturally repair and even replace them! What other machine can do all that?! This begs the question, is there a way to regenerate spinal discs naturally? Share this Post Take a look at how we are helping the body regenerate spinal discs naturally (a common target ...
Stem Cells for Herniated Discs

Stem Cells for Herniated Discs: A Minimally Invasive Treatment Option

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy

As we age, the discs in the spine experience normal wear and tear that can ultimately lead to degenerative disc disease (a term used to describe the broad effects of disc deterioration). A herniated disc is one common effect of degenerative disc disease, which sometimes develops as a result of an injury or genetic predisposition, but most often occurs as a result of the natural decay process.  Share this Post Until recently, there was not a treatment option with the potential to actually address normal disc decay; doctors mostly treated ...
man kayaking after stem cell therapy for spine degeneration

What to Expect from Stem Cell Therapy for Spine Degeneration

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain

Until recently, most back pain sufferers used a combined regimen of rest, physical therapy, medication and, sometimes, surgery to facilitate pain relief. But research over the past two decades has introduced an alternative treatment option with significant promise for many patients: stem cell therapy. Here’s what patients should know about spine degeneration and what they can expect when using stem cell therapy to treat it: Why Spine Degeneration Can Hurt Our spines are each composed of individual bones called vertebrae, the majority of which are separated by intervertebral discs. These …

annular tear treatment options

How to Choose Which Annular Tear Treatment is Right for You

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy

But First, Let’s Talk About the Spine The human spine (what most of us call “our back”) is the bony column that runs from the base of our skull to the top of our pelvis. It includes 33 vertebrae and a variety of muscles, nerves and other soft tissue structures that combine to protect our spinal cord and stabilize our body’s weight distribution. Of course, the spine also allows us to flex and rotate as needed.  Twenty-three discs separate the majority of the spine’s individual vertebrae; these discs are important …

stem cell therapy for herniated discs

5 Common Misconceptions About Stem Cell Therapy for Herniated Discs

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain

Our team here at ThriveMD uses stem cells and other biologics to treat a variety of conditions. Specifically, many of our patients see us because they have herniated discs and other degenerative issues of the spine that make daily living painful to endure. Share this PostHowever, because using stem cell therapy to treat orthopedic conditions is a relatively new treatment option (approximately 10 years old), it’s common for them to have questions regarding its value and safety. Here are the top five concerns we frequently hear: Misconception 1: There is ...
stem cells for back pain

Stem Cells for Back Pain: Expectations vs. Reality

thriveMD Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Low Back

Stem cell therapy is one of the most well-known and high-profile forms of medical treatment. For decades, medical researchers have used stem cell therapy as a safe and highly effective treatment for a myriad of conditions. Thanks to recent developments in the medical field, stem cell therapy is growing in both popularity and accessibility. As a result, more patients than ever have access to these groundbreaking treatments and might find themselves wondering if stem cell therapy is right for them - especially those who suffer from chronic or severe back ...
Stem Cell Injections for Back Pain

Stem Cell Injections for Back Pain: The Process and Recovery

Scott Brandt, M.D. Stem Cell Therapy, Stem Cells for Back Pain, Stem Cells for Low Back

Research into alternative cellular treatment options over the past several years has steadily given medical practitioners and their patients increased reasons for optimism. While medical professionals have long known the benefits of treating many cancers and blood-related illnesses with bone marrow transplants, scientists now have evidence that stem cell therapy, a much less invasive cellular treatment, can be used to possibly ease debilitating back pain. In particular, stem cell injections for back pain have become a viable option for many individuals. Share this PostRather than facing an invasive surgical procedure, ...